Porous media

Porous media characterization using multiscale 2D and 3D technique. Quantitative spatially resolved information has been extracted using a novel 3D algorithm.

Ø  Micro and nano X-ray computed-tomography: a step forward in the characterization of the pore network of a leached cement paste.
N. Bossa, P. Chaurand , J. Vicente, D. Borschneck, C. Levard, O. Aguerre-Chariol, J. Rose, Cement and Concrete Research. 2016

Ø  Mechanisms limiting the release of TiO2 nanomaterials during photocatalytic cement alteration: the role of surface charge and porous network morphology.
N. Bossa, P. Chaurand , C. Levard, D. Borschneck, H. Miche, J. Vicente, C. Geantet, O. Aguerre-Chariol, F.M. Michel, J. Rose, Environmental Science Nano, 2019.  https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/en/c8en00700d#!divAbstract